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 Misc. Government and Private Documents 

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Click here to watch Rep. Katie Porter [D/CA] give a speech on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives urging the United States to issue an apology to the people of the Marshall Islands for the ongoing legacy of nuclear weapons testing:


                            Several Small Island States have just signed the visionary Nadi Bay

                             Declaration concerning the Climate Crisis severely affecting them:


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And here:


These links open directly to a website, or will open with either MS Word or as a PDF file

Note:  In 1975 Glenn Alcalay was a first year Peace Corps volunteer on Utrok Atoll in the Marshall Islands.  Alcalay was seeking legal advice about a possible class action lawsuit against the U.S. government for damages stemming from the nuclear tests at Bikini and  Enewetak between 1946-58. Having written a letter seeking advice from world-renowned UC Berkeley anthropologist Laura Nader [older sister of Ralph Nader], Alcalay never       received a reply.  Until 45 years later when the 1975 letter was published in Laura           Nader's new book:  Click here for the PDF file

Congress of Micro 1973 Report on BRAVO


Rongelap Documents 1961


Marshall Islands-A Chronology-AEC


Interview w/ John Anjain-Rongelap-1982


Bravo Anti-Nuke petition 1954


Project 4.1-October 1954


BRAVO and today-Tony deBrum


Rongelap Public Mtg Feb 1961


NYT 1982 article on Bravo


AEC 1957 Rongelap Status


1958 N-Test Protests-Golden Rule


Bikini-The Ecologist [UK]-1981


RMI-The Ecologist [UK]-1981


1980 Ltrs. re: Enewetak re-settlement


Bikini decision-2007


Barker+Rose-Johnston Rong. Rpt-2002


Lucky Dragon Medical Report Oct. 1954


Marshallese protesting AEC 1972


Lucky Dragon Med Rpt-1954


Iroij Michael Kabua Rongelap Ltr to Pres.


Iroij Michael Kabua Ltr to Congress


Lucky Dragon-Rongerik A-Vets


Lucky Dragon Autopsy Rpt.-1954


Cultural Survival-Marshalls-1984


AEC to Resume RMI Study-1962


Micronesian Support Cmte. - 1979


Bravo-Castle weather report-1954


Giff Johnson-Bravo 56th Observance


Adam Horowitz-Nuclear Savage film


Atomic Vets in Marshalls DNA report


Utrik Final Award-$304 million


Marshall Islands articles


Anthropology News- Marshalls


Rongelap photos--barbara-glenn-holly-giff


Micro Support Cmte-Nuke Victims-1979


Michael Kabua Statement-2010

Trad. Agriculture in RMI


Bravo Day-2010


Rose-Johnston-Barker book-Nuclear War Rongelap


Utrik-Bakal ltr to Dr. Conard 1977


Rongelap Award


Utrik Land Use Chart--1977


IFEU Utrik Final Rpt.-2002


Marshallese Language Book


Utrik Village Chart-1977

Dennis O' Rourke-NPR-Half LifeArtist Name
00:00 / 06:09

Listen to this POWERFUL 1986 NPR interview with Dennis O'Rourke re: "Half Life"

The approximately 100,000 people of the Republic of the Marshall Islands are the world's proverbial "canary in the coal mine."  Having suffered - and continuing to experience - the legacy of H-bomb testing and radioactive fallout, the Marshallese remind us of humankind's worst possible scenario with horrific thermonuclear weapons, a nuclear war.


Likewise, as we pass 420 parts per million of carbon dioxide and witness the Earth burning and the Polar ice caps melting, sea level rise poses an existential threat to all island and coastal populations, and in particular the low-lying coral atoll dwellers in the Pacific nation states of the RMI, Kibibati [formerly the Gilbert Islands], Tuvalu [formerly the Ellice Islands], and the Maldives in the Indian Ocean.


In this sense then, the Marshallese offer us a "twofer" lesson about the threat of nuclear weapons, and the threat of destroying our precious Mother Earth by the burning of fossil fuels even Exxon knew was destroying the planet back in the 1970s!


This website is designed to give voice to the people of the Republic of the Marshall Islands [RMI] who have firsthand knowledge - in their bodies and DNA, in their memories and permanently in their atolls - of thermonuclear weapons and their destruction, having been at the receiving end of the United States' "foreign policy."'s primary mission is to provide a repository of the unfiltered history of the relationship between the U.S. and RMI through an archive of audio interviews [in both Marshallese and English*] on SoundCloud (previously unavailable to the public) and photographs of downwind Marshall Islanders who were caught in the radioactive fallout from the 67 atomic & hydrogen thermonuclear bombs detonated at Bikini and Enewetak Atolls between 1946-58.


In addition to these rare and powerful interviews conducted between 1981 and 2002 [by Glenn Alcalay & Kai Erikson], numerous unclassified U.S. government documents, U.N. testimonies, NGO reports, and other educational materials regarding nuclear testing issues in the Marshall Islands will also be made available to the public.  Lastly, a large archive [150] of videos and documentary films about the people of the Marshall Islands in the Nuclear Age, from the Manhattan Project to Weapons in Space are available on the Nuke Videos page on the masthead above.


Our website is dedicated to aolep dri-Majol, people of the Marshall Islands - especially the youth - and all of the glorious people who reside on our dear Mother Earth pushing to abolish nuclear weapons, and transition to green, renewable energy ASAP


If there is a theme or a meme that truly captures the character and the spirit of this website, it is this: 


     America nuked the Gentle People.


          Glenn Alcalay

Peace Corps Volunteer, lovely Utrok Atoll 1975-1977


       Jeramman wot!


* Please subscribe to the legendary Marshall Islands Journal

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Glenn Alcalay & Andrew Fuchs - for our friends

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